Kathryn Morse
on August 8, 2020
Facebook gave me 60 days jail for posting this. This mtherfkers are doing everything they can to surpress Conservatives.
Dimension: 1440 x 3040
File Size: 809.08 Kb
5 people like this.
Kathryn Morse
It's 60 days. I had more than one message come in.
Sammy Garza
Well what did you expect? It said, "dangerous individuals and organizations". You named the top four dangerous ones. They don't like being called out!!!
Kathryn Morse
To bad. I won't be silenced.
Sammy Garza
That's why we are here, they gave me 30 days this time for the same thing. Just cause they can sensor us on their site, they have no say on this or any other social sites. Their sensering me has lead me to this and several other sites (6) where I can speak freely. So they just helped me to a bigger platform than them!!!
Cynthia A Carlson
Smart response! I want to live in a country where i can speak freely, compete, whine and cry and i can do so wothout breaking constitutionsl law given to me by the grace of God.
Cynthia A Carlson
I posted to go to Orby. Havent checked to see if im up still. Dont much care! I hope Orby’s flies past FB!
5 people like this.
Kathryn Morse
It's 60 days. I had more than one message come in.
Like August 8, 2020
Sammy Garza
Well what did you expect? It said, "dangerous individuals and organizations". You named the top four dangerous ones. They don't like being called out!!!
Like August 8, 2020
Kathryn Morse
To bad. I won't be silenced.
Like August 8, 2020
Sammy Garza
That's why we are here, they gave me 30 days this time for the same thing. Just cause they can sensor us on their site, they have no say on this or any other social sites. Their sensering me has lead me to this and several other sites (6) where I can speak freely. So they just helped me to a bigger ... View More
Like August 8, 2020
Cynthia A Carlson
Smart response! I want to live in a country where i can speak freely, compete, whine and cry and i can do so wothout breaking constitutionsl law given to me by the grace of God.
Like August 8, 2020
Cynthia A Carlson
I posted to go to Orby. Havent checked to see if im up still. Dont much care! I hope Orby’s flies past FB!
Like August 8, 2020