Tabitha N Shipley
on August 6, 2020
Good morning and Happy Thursday! Remember - the starting point of achievement is DESIRE. What are your desires?! Dig deep! Affirm them! Feel as if they have already happened - live in the end!
AFFIRM: I am powerful. I am healthy. I am strong. I am successful. My business is booming. I am making $1000 a day. (Find what resonates with you and affirm those things daily - replace any negative thoughts with those affirmations.) Stop saying I can't and stop focusing on your current 3d reality because that will just keep bringing more of it. Focus on your abundance and all the things you WANT. Where attention goes energy flows!
#pinkzebra #ThinkBigger #August2020 #waxwarmers #waxmelts #soywax #soycandles #candles #tabithashipley #teamzebraforce #workingfromhome #momboss #mombosshustle #entreprenuer #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #whereattentiongoesenergyflows #youareyouronlylimit #appreciation #joinmeorwatchme #wednesdaymotivation #pinksapphiregoal #gratitude #abundance #affirm #outlook #believe #changeyourlife #neverquit #directsalesdiva
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