Joy Rene
on October 12, 2021
You know that phrase... “keep doing what you’re doing when it doesn’t work is insanity”?
Small businesses declined rapidly over the last year and a half. Small businesses made America Fabulous and Free! Can we recover?
Well, would you go out and start a business today? A brand new one? Maybe. Here’s a simpler approach to keep the economy local and build back your community. Join a MLM/DS company that isn’t supporting the magenta. It’s filed as a small business. Your overhead is easier. You control you/your time.
Find a strong one you believe so that your passion keeps you moving forward building it. Some are great. Some are high risk and some are ridiculously strange but someone is doing it because they believe in it.
Literally millions are doing this already. Seriously, there are 1000s of options. So Why not you? And while everyone is at it. Support your friends who are passionate about their products and their freedoms. It’s a fighting chance to pull back! Why? Most everything purchased in a store is essentially owned by 10 major corps/owners and are heavily compromised for you/your family. That’s as bad as the media all under Farm. Need I say more?
Stay tuned cause I am going to bring you a list to start your juices flowing. Check it out. There’s a ton of made in the USA. And many started in the back doors of America.
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