on August 17, 2021
Thats why it's called the Fall of the Cabal- The Fall of the Kabul. Afghanistan- Kekistsin. KEK DEC 21 2017
Executive Order
Freezing assets of all those involved in drugs and human trafficking human rights abuse
It's just like the sinking of the Titanic
All part of the Plan
The dark world must collapse for people to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The light at end of tunnel Donald J Trump March 13 2020 Press conference
Only those who know, know
. While the rest of the world still sleeps.. must show them.. that's what happening now..
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Milisa barry
I’m not worried… I know they got this. God, is in charge of these men and woman and I trust The Plan❤️??.
Like August 17, 2021