Kim Clement: "...God says tonight I want you to command, I want you to command. When Elisha was surrounded by an army, he didn't beg God, he didn't repent, he didn't squeal, he commanded. He said Lord, open the eyes of the citizens and the servants and blind the eyes of the enemy. Tonight we command light to come to the eyes of the people. We command blindness to come to the adversaries of this nation. The adversaries in this nation are spiritual wickedness in high place trying to delete the future by removing the children, raping them, aborting them. God said enough! What more do you have left after you have taken a child and to take each other. Do not be consumed with this madness, civil disruption. God said this spirit must be blinded tonight!.." November 2, 2008.
Kim: "...'Why have they tried to rape My little children, the children of this generation, to take away their innocence, raping their minds..." October 8, 2011.
Kim:"...I heard the sound of a child crying when I was caught up in my garden and I went into a deep darkness, realizing that the children are being destroyed; the children are being killed, being massacred. Why has this happened, says the Spirit of God? It has happened because I have chosen from amongst this generation children of another kind; preachers of this generation that will literally bring back what has been lost in the church. I shall bring back the light of the miraculous. There shall be supernatural interventions. In the very countries that are destroying these children, there shall be light, there shall be conversions, there shall be transformations, there shall be baptisms of the Spirit that shall bring fire, fire, fire, in a way that you have never seen before, says the Spirit of the Living God
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