Max News
on April 13, 2021
Got his second dose Covid vaccine.
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Donna Chmielewski
Wait until he is exposed to the virus. This experimental vax will always be in his body producing the spike protein to react in more ways and perhaps as with allergic reactions more severe with each exposure. 🥲
Alitcia Forsberg
Not “the” virus. Any virus at all will be much worse than usual. And Covid is just the common flu. It doesn't even exists
2 people like this.
Donna Chmielewski
Wait until he is exposed to the virus. This experimental vax will always be in his body producing the spike protein to react in more ways and perhaps as with allergic reactions more severe with each exposure. 🥲
Like April 14, 2021
Alitcia Forsberg
Not “the” virus. Any virus at all will be much worse than usual. And Covid is just the common flu. It doesn't even exists
Like April 14, 2021