Max News
on January 23, 2021
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Albert Sanchez
And also being that he did that i can't see how anyone even voted for biden
I don't understand your indignation, when you agree to the unconstitutional certification Senator... smh
Tony piscitelli
How did not know this was going to happen? It's what he campaigned on! Higher taxes. Done with fracking. Job loss. Down with the border wall. Get rid of the travel ban. Getting even more cozy with China....in bed. I mean what the fuck did you think he was going to do?!
Albert Sanchez
Exactly he literaly told everyone & i can't understannd why some assholes still voted for him
23 people like this.
Albert Sanchez
And also being that he did that i can't see how anyone even voted for biden
Like January 24, 2021
Maria Hernandez
Like January 24, 2021
I don't understand your indignation, when you agree to the unconstitutional certification Senator... smh
Like January 24, 2021
Tony piscitelli
How did not know this was going to happen? It's what he campaigned on! Higher taxes. Done with fracking. Job loss. Down with the border wall. Get rid of the travel ban. Getting even more cozy with China....in bed. I mean what the fuck did you think he was going to do?!
Like January 24, 2021
Albert Sanchez
Exactly he literaly told everyone & i can't understannd why some assholes still voted for him
Like January 25, 2021