My internet-web social media profiles (as of 6/2024): Change DOT 2 a . THEN backspace THEN copy & pa... View MoreMy internet-web social media profiles (as of 6/2024): Change DOT 2 a . THEN backspace THEN copy & paste the weblink in2 a NEW web window's TOP search address bar - instagram DOT com/lone_corpse_123 , x DOT com/hailjesus4ever , app DOT parler DOT com/jeffreydavidmorris , gab DOT com/lone_corpse_123 , gettr DOT com/user/lonehuman123 , mewe DOT com/i/self_denied_holy_warrior_for_jesus , minds DOT com/lone_corpse_123 , friendproject DOT net/lone_human_123 , pocketnet DOT app/lonehuman123 , sovren DOT media/u/lonehuman , palscity DOT com/lonehuman , usa DOT life/lonehuman , wimkin DOT com/lonehuman , twellit DOT com/lonehuman , inlinx DOT com/about/862600594_0 , orbys DOT net/lonehuman , mumblit DOT com/lone_corpse_123
About Me
My internet-web social media profiles (as of 6/2024): Change DOT 2 a . THEN backspace THEN copy & pa... View More
Sigh huh iight it's THAT Time AGAIN 4 me 2 wrap up my 9-5 & settle in 4 my evening via micro TV dinner-supper-chow, old classic B/W TV shows, Naturescape channel under Animals + Nature category via Pluto TV & ? News & then me 2 bed & repeat tomorrow if God willing, God bless in Jesus & stay safe
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As I've previously-repeated shared B4 why humanity was solely alone-only created in LESS than a day, 2 B the SELF deny Warrior COUNTERACT MEASURE against Devil (B-ing defeated & 86-ed outta Heaven & brought it's Holy War against God with it un2 us ALL) & STILL past-2date (year) AD just NOTHING of this all connected whole NECLEUS human species proper, DON'T think God's patience & held back anger-wrath is gonna wait out 4ever on us as with like sand in a hourglass, HUH, sigh damn it, this all literally ENDS only 1 way as even Devil eventually Coming 2 BOW B4 Jesus as with ALL of us SUPPOSE 2 been God's pride & joy instead has 2date exhibited B-ing a FAILED idea & waste!
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Cuz there's TOP Elite's & fool's out there USA-globally that R talking with Coming, that God given FREE Will & FREE speech is OVER so then it's just like WHAT, exactly? 8 billion plus USA-global dust & ash human flies-locust on solid waste amidst a "EH" endless ever more daily bloody static Snow on a TV of Russian roulette sanitizing, annihilation, genocidal, bloodbath, massacre, eradicating, extermination & that of further poisoning, misc else of food-water supplies, all U literally put inside & externally upon YO body ie: med's, vast & various individual product's we buy on the market, GET it? Understand? & overall is just "EH" evil attack's against Holy Trinity when we were suppose 2 been God's pride & joy aside from Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's & VAST WON'T succeed Coming Judgment Day & find SELVES individually sent 2 Hell after last breath, will it B U is up 2-between U individually & Jesus, WE CLEAR?!
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SIGH HUH as ANY 1 of us ALL MORE OF majority of 8 billion plus USA-global capable NON disabled adult straight-hetrosexual, alpha male's & beta female's (NO matter 1's human skin color race) of all connected whole (1) NECLEUS human species can ask or deem, just WHAT do U think U were literally born in2 (after 9 month's or so, give or take)? As I can attest I couldn't NEVER have known what I've been born in2 amidst my own long ago dysfunctional childhood via adult fool's, been on my own since 18 & just NEVER really fit in anywhere, acknowledge my Heaven Life Record ain't pretty BUT likewise that I owe Holy Trinity EVERYTHING I AM thus I own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul via Holy Bible's Luke 9:24!
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I NO have NOTHING 2 literally gain from doing my God given SELF deny Warrior job-responsibility of messenger-delivery boy ie: creative Holy intel info output-put out 2 U ALL MORE OF majority of 8 billion plus USA-global capable NON disabled adult straight-hetrosexual, alpha male's & beta female's (NO matter 1's human skin color race) of all connected whole (1) NECLEUS human species but God allowed privilege, NOT a right 2 momentarily-temporary tick tock 'Time' exist amidst my (above job) via my own assigned WHEN IN LIFE Heaven Life Record as ALL individually have 1, ponder YOURS as it's what will do the main convicting of YO NON SELF owned (as God owns ALL) Soul via Jesus just as 2 deem 3 word's of: WHEN-IN-LIFE & if YO record ain't proper 2 HIM, then U can 4get about the names archived Lambs Book of Life B-ing opened!
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Sigh huh & WHAT? U ALL MORE OF majority of 8 billion plus USA-global capable NON disabled adult straight-hetrosexual, alpha male's & beta female's (NO matter 1's human skin color race) of all connected whole (1) NECLEUS human species think I somehow, misc get SELF humor kicks outta tell U what U ALL (above) should've known all 2 well past-2date thus then ALL THIS 2date literally wouldn't haven't been-B right now via SELF deny Warrior maintaining tight ie: housecleaning! SIGH DAMN IT, huh whatever FINE then, so B it, have it YO way, U ALL wanna "EH" anger-piss off Holy Trinity? I WOULDN'T! HUH SCREW-4GET U, NOT me, I stand alone individually in spirit standing from a distance along side & below Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's in allegiance 2-of Holy Trinity NO matter what U ALL do, ugh, whatever, LOSER'S!
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SIGH HUH, talk about feeling internally within my head spinning, DAMN IT - U ALL MORE OF majority of 8 billion plus USA-global capable NON disabled adult straight-hetrosexual, alpha male's & beta female's (NO matter 1's human skin color race) of all connected whole (1) NECLEUS human species, U wanna talk about what is the (Coming) END game? YEAH, it's THEM (fill in blank's) ie: literal "EH" SELF careless take out (above) THEN THEMSELVES which just exhibits further attack's against Holy Trinity amidst this Holy War Devil brought to us ALL & with all tick tock 'Time' God's allowed us unlike past The Flood, HUH HIS patience is (?, !) running THIN as THEY (above, U know) deem, if THEIR individually going 2 Hell then THEIR gonna take ALL (above) with THEM, yeah, THEY think, ugh loser's! U want it 2 stop? FORCE MAKE IT STOP THEN! NONE of government, military, etc is gonna do ALL YO non voluntary-optional job-responsibility!
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I NO do my God given SELF deny Warrior job-responsibility of messenger-delivery boy ie: creative Holy intel info output-put out 4 my own health, 2 try & GAIN anything from U all or make anything about me, NO! Like even Jesus's 1st Crew hunted down like animal's 4 doing proper, SO B IT as with me as I'm NOT going 2 Hell 4 U ALL SELF choosing 2 ring butler bells & point fingers at each other while THEY of TOP Elite's like Devil laugh it up at ALL of us MORE OF majority of 8 billion plus USA-global capable NON disabled adult straight-hetrosexual, alpha male's & beta female's (NO matter 1's human skin color race) that we doing THEIR-devil's job 4 it versus example of Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's, WE CLEAR?!
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Sigh huh & perhaps U ALL MORE OF majority of 8 billion plus USA-global capable NON disabled adult straight-hetrosexual, alpha male's & beta female's (NO matter 1's human skin color race) need 'community', I personally don't though I SELF personally note-acknowledge I'm limited (as 2 what I can do 2 stop this all USA-globally), got NO (above mentioned) SELF deny Warrior USA-global army under MY Command via Holy Trinity ie: Heaven's SELF deny Warrior angel's & there's 2 MUCH opposition ever growing tick tock 'Time' (day & night, 24/7) above & mile's down below ground ie: base's USA-global opposite of Holy Trinity's sole alone desire as this all eventually Coming only literally ENDS 1 way as with ever beginning - there is a END, I see the darkness Coming - I see continual endless bloodshed & death!
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& as a reminder 2 ALL USA-globally, I'd remind U of Holy Bible's Luke 9:24 (NONE SELF own NOTHING, NOT breath NOR Soul), Tomorrow is NOT promised 2 NO 1, Jesus came (who SHOULDN'T NEVER had 2 in the 1st place, NOR GOD doing The Flood NOR via Genesis 19) HE came 2 DIVIDE via Luke 12:51, The Kingdom of God is inside U (via Luke 17:21-22) 4 who R HIS & HE knows who is, WHAT faith is: Hebrews 11:1 & SO get YO end of life affairs in order ie: Final Will whether U R single (give stuff 2 friend or "Good Will") or of family aside from stocking up on 25 year type lasting in storage food-water, misc supplies, LEARN physical martial arts-SELF defense, NON or less lethal personal protection solution ie: Hero DOT us DOT com & daily home practice on YO gun's via (?), MantisX DOT com device's & read Holy Bible daily & teach kid's-children-teen's 2 daily in a room-alone-door closed & on knee's B4 Holy Trinity.
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