Ariel Hernandez
on May 16, 2020 6 views
9 people like this.
Ricky Nuñez
Se ve hermosa
Like May 16, 2020
Ariel Hernandez
Gracia ricky estoy preparandola para mañana llevarla al range.
Like May 16, 2020
desearia saber lo que dijiste. Puede que me resulte interesante o divertido, pero no hablo espanol.
Like May 16, 2020
Ariel Hernandez
Im sorry rebecca for sampeakinf Spanish i was saying good evening everyone i got home last Night and i went to rural king to buy my 2 other guns a taurus g3 and a fn 509 both are 9mm guns and the cleaning kit from Amazon and getting ready the shotgun for tomorrow to take it to the range for a ride... View More
Like May 16, 2020