Will Johnson
on December 17, 2020 77 views
20 people like this.
Christine M Hainley
Jay, u are spot on.
Like December 17, 2020
Christine M Hainley
Its his right brad
Like December 17, 2020
Ivermectin and Vit D
Like December 17, 2020
Altagracia Vasquez
Since when was any Proud Boys liberal or Democratic Socialist? That's news to me. smh
Like December 18, 2020
Altagracia Vasquez
This is such a great panel of discussion of Democratic Socialism. Democratic & Capitalism - honestly DemocRAT politicians fooled people to stay or become DemocRATS to stand for "family values" and for poor and middle-income classes but never did anything but steal money and sell out and corrupt peop... View More
Like December 18, 2020 Edited
Altagracia Vasquez
Yep! UN since the 70s were useless!!
Like December 18, 2020
Altagracia Vasquez
Some military people like Brad are corrupted.
Like December 18, 2020
Altagracia Vasquez
Democrats break the law and nothing happens and that is why Brad don't care.
Like December 18, 2020
No one is dumb ......we have been programed!!! Either red or blue instead if what a canidate stands for...!!
Like December 19, 2020
The left alwYs gets physical ?
Like December 19, 2020