Alberto F Esperon
on March 28, 2020 22 views
10 people like this.
Belkys Armenteros
Good morning
Ariel Hernandez
I hear grandma in the kitchen making huevitos en revoltillo par bebo
I love your program the way you expose the truth versus the lies they speak about our President. Draining the swamp... It is hard but it is bein done.
Ariel Hernandez
Can i make the live video as i was trying yesterday and it didn't let me do it
Maria Camargo
Good morning
Ramon Pena
Good morning Alberto
Yoel Sosa
Adelina Gonzalez
Descansa hijo mio
Adalys I Curet
Awww your grandson is cute. God bless him.
10 people like this.
Belkys Armenteros
Good morning
Like March 28, 2020
Ariel Hernandez
I hear grandma in the kitchen making huevitos en revoltillo par bebo
Like March 28, 2020
I love your program the way you expose the truth versus the lies they speak about our President. Draining the swamp... It is hard but it is bein done.
Like March 28, 2020
Ariel Hernandez
Can i make the live video as i was trying yesterday and it didn't let me do it
Like March 28, 2020
Like March 28, 2020
Maria Camargo
Good morning
Like March 28, 2020
Ramon Pena
Good morning Alberto
Like March 28, 2020
Yoel Sosa
Like March 28, 2020
Adelina Gonzalez
Descansa hijo mio
Like March 28, 2020
Adalys I Curet
Awww your grandson is cute. God bless him.
Like March 28, 2020