Queen Ma'at Girl Vs. Black America: Heres Why you Fail, Toxic Women Rule the Community, You Choose Thugs Over High Value Men, and Suffer From HPD! #HPD #BlackAmerica #ThugCulture #SlutCulture #HighVal... View More
Queen Ma'at Girl Vs. Black America. Why You Fail: Toxic Women Rule, Thugs Over High Value, & HPD!
Its debate time again! Join us on the front lines of Black Central Command as we diagnose what is wrong with black America! Toxic women rule the community, thugs are chosen over high value men, and collectively you suffer from histrionic personality disorder! If you disagree I'm calling you out to a debate! The winner will be paid a $100 cash app on me. Are you up for the challenge?
#QueenMaatGirlTv #VivicaAFoxKevinSamules #thugs
Book Recommendation: Race Crazy. BLM, 1619 and the Progressive Racism Movement. https://www.amazon.com/Race-Crazy-Progressive-Racism-Movement/dp/B099P154P6
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