

Erika Blas
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Health and Fitness / Medical News
USA DMED database shows DISTURBING increases in morbidity after #Covid #Vaccine uptake : Myocarditis 2800% Various cancers 300-900%... View More
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Erika Blas
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Erika Blas
#COVID19Vaccine was never 100% #Effective. Watch the efficacy tumble. Why would anyone bother taking a #Vaccine with such low efficacy followed by endless #BoosterShots every 6 months? This vaccine wa... View More
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robert shewey
I've gone to a site where medical studies can be posted and reviewed, etc. A researcher asked on June 8, 2020, if anyone had isolated, purified and demonstrated the SARS-CoV2 to be the cause of COVID-19. A couple of months later, the researcher said that none meet the scientific standard for proof. ... View More
Like December 1, 2022
Roberto Lopez
"Mike Adams" Biden regime wages TERROR CRUSADE against Trump's America ... View More
Roberto Lopez
Biden regime wages TERROR CRUSADE against Trump's America "Corrupt Biden sends another "$4.5 BILLION" to fund Ukraine's entire government" ... View More
Roberto Lopez
Biden regime wages TERROR CRUSADE against Trump's America "Corrupt Biden sends another "$4.5 BILLION" to fund Ukraine's entire government" ... View More
Roberto Lopez
Biden regime wages TERROR CRUSADE against Trump's America "Corrupt Biden sends another "$4.5 BILLION" to fund Ukraine's entire government" - #DOJ and #FBI have become lawless terror cells waging a... View More
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Roberto Lopez
Biden regime wages TERROR CRUSADE against Trump's America "Corrupt Biden sends another "$4.5 BILLION" to fund Ukraine's entire government" ... View More
Roberto Lopez
Biden regime wages TERROR CRUSADE against Trump's America "Corrupt Biden sends another "$4.5 BILLION" to fund Ukraine's entire government" - #DOJ and #FBI have become lawless terror cells waging a... View More
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