

The more the insane left attack the lower their vote counts become. The more the insane left attack the more they will get life sentences. Keep it coming.... View More
Trudy Miller
ORBYS needs ? button ? Some things are hard to like, lol
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Tabitha Shipley Independent Consultant with Pink Zebra
Tabitha N Shipley
Tabitha Shipley Independent Consultant with Pink Zebra
I am up working to help another new recruit get signed up! #teamzebraforce Pink Zebra is changing lives! I LOVE what I do! Want to be next BOSSLADY?! Message me! You can join for a reason, a seaso... View More
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2.8k+ Total views
Tabitha N Shipley
I am up working to help another new recruit get signed up! #teamzebraforce Pink Zebra is changing lives! I LOVE what I do! Want to be next BOSSLADY?! Message me! You can join for a reason, a seaso... View More
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2.8k+ Total views
Tabitha Shipley Independent Consultant with Pink Zebra
Happy Saturday! Ever wonder why it seems the same things - not so great things - keep happening? It's because of your focus and attention to those thoughts. If you keep thinking and feeling you can... View More
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2.7k+ Total views
Tabitha N Shipley
Happy Saturday! Ever wonder why it seems the same things - not so great things - keep happening? It's because of your focus and attention to those thoughts. If you keep thinking and feeling you can... View More
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2.8k+ Total views
Tabitha Shipley Independent Consultant with Pink Zebra
Happy Friday! Remember - YOU are the only person / force standing in your own way! BELIEVE in yourself and your dreams and your power to create! #pinkzebra #werisetogether #october2020 #waxwarmers ... View More
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1.7k+ Total views
Tabitha N Shipley
Happy Friday! Remember - YOU are the only person / force standing in your own way! BELIEVE in yourself and your dreams and your power to create! #pinkzebra #werisetogether #october2020 #waxwarmers ... View More
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