

Erika Blas
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Jerry kruger
shoe is on the other foot now
Like September 4, 2022
robert shewey
Isn't it amazing how definitions always seem to change when a democrat talks? It's like they think of themselves as the gods of America and can do and say whatever they what. I say it's time to knock those SOB's off their pedestals once and for all.
Like September 4, 2022
Erika Blas
I pray more & more people finally see & acknowledge the lies & harm the DemonRATz have done & continue to do to our country, #WalkAway & vote red. We have to #VoteDemOut! Like Chris Plante says "If it wasn't for #DoubleStandards, they'd have no standards at all."
Like September 5, 2022
Alicia Curry
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