

Erika Blas
Find yourself a corner, curl up in the fetus position & cry us a river you #Libertard! The police have better things to do than cater to your feelings & opinions. #PragerU #Winning #FreedomOfSpeech
Alicia Curry
OFFICIAL UPDATE for Friday, August 6th, 2021: Sixteen pro-freedom resources have been added to Arcana-X.com spanning many different categories. #arcanax #freedomofspeech #news #anticensorship #media
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Ivette Marrero-Santiago
Can't wait to see more and more #lawsuits against #BigTechs for our #freedomofspeech
Paige Cantrell
AOC was on TV saying that the government needs to form a commission to reign in the media. She says the government needs to be in control over the media. Hmmm. Okay. NY Times says that the Biden Adm... View More
Gary Gatehouse
#garygatehouse #communistdemocrats #republicans #freedom #freedomofspeech VIDEO Communist Democrat-Rep. Comeonman Schultz: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene 'Is a Menace Who Needs to be Neutered and Render... View More
Gary Gatehouse
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