

Anthony J Hilder
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Murray Montgomery
Why in the hell hasn’t some of these charity and religious nonprofit groups came forward to help the people of East Palestine, Ohio? They will rush to help Ukraine & illegal aliens! @PlanetTyrus #CNN ... View More
John Burke
RNC says Google suppressed more than 22M GOTV, fundraising emails in September, exploring 'legal options' https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rnc-says-google-suppressed-22m-gotv-fundraising-emails-septem... View More
John Burke
Twitter thought police prepare for elections so they can censor political opponents https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/twitter-thought-police-prepare-elections-censor-political-opponents #FoxNews
Oberlin College’s 'Professor of Peace' endorsed fatwa to murder Salman Rushdie https://t.co/n9Mdwe3HJw #FoxNews
Anthony J Hilder
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John Burke
WHO renaming monkeypox virus after scientists voice concern that it is 'discriminatory and stigmatizing' https://www.foxnews.com/world/who-renaming-monkeypox-virus-scientists-concern-discriminatory #F... View More
Education/Indoctrination/ groomers
Stacey Abrams on board of foundation awarding millions to woke professors pushing prison abolition, CRT https://t.co/zzd3SVQtVs #FoxNews
Robert farrow
Biden torched for reminiscing about 'the old days' of having lunch with 'real segregationists' in the Senate https://t.co/UsbkDuNvQM #FoxNews
Robert farrow
Secretive Soros-funded group works behind the scenes with Biden admin on policy, documents show https://t.co/ym330Ee4PS #FoxNews
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