

Alicia Curry
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Jerry kruger
keep up the great info, we know we won't get it from the government news liars
Like February 21, 2022
David Soto
Athletes, the Hollywood crowd, blm, antifa and the rest of them protesting about the supposed "oppression" in America, (which by the way ended decades ago), and disrespecting and destroying our countr... View More
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David Soto
I remember when a man said march PEACEFULLY to the capitol...then democrats in the House of Representatives tried to impeach him and twitter and facebook canceled his accounts. Now we have democrat ... View More
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The Free Thought Project
It's worked for decades... Why fix what's not broken? #TheFreeThoughtProject #DivideAndConquer
Police The Police
This is the only thing the establishment fears so why is it so f*cking hard? #ComeTogether #Unity #DivideAndConquer #PTP
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