

CH4M3L30N C0D3
Martin Rayburn
Leakage of fluid from blood vessels causing tissue swelling and a fall in blood pressure in connection with C0VlD treatment being investigated in EU. #ChinaVirus
Martin Rayburn
And people have the audacity to harass others for questioning whether or not they should get this. #chinavirus
Martin Rayburn
The China Virus will be over soon. What's next? #ChinaVirus
Kenneth Mac
Up yours, Jackass Joe: Florida’s Ron DeSantis is on a collision course with the Biden regime due to his rejection of the fascistic measures that have been employed by Democrat governors who have dest... View More
Kenneth Mac
Ken Franklin
Ken Franklin
Hey, now that #joebama is installed, #gruesomenewsom lifts California stay at home order. #chinavirus isn't as bad as they said it was. #Disgraceful https://www.theepochtimes.com/california-lifts-regi... View More
Ken Franklin
So from video President Trump released earlier on the Guy explaining the #dominion machines and how hackers can get into these copy like machines to #dominionvotingsystemsfraud to commit fraud using o... View More
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Gail Whitcomb
Easy peasy
Like November 15, 2020
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