Queen Ma'at Girl Vs. Urban America: Fighting Racism Is Half The Battle, Enforcing Community Guidelines Is The Rest! #debate #maga #trump2024 #blexit #blackonblackcrime #blackbigotry #hatespeech
Queen Ma'at Girl Vs Urban America Fighting Racism Half The Battle, Community Guidelines Is The Rest
Join us on the front lines of the information war for another scholastic debate. There has been much talk both from Urban America and corporate America that fighting racism is a must in the nation. There is no talk at all about the urgent need to enforce social media community guidelines, plus terms of service to ensure the safety of black people and all so called races of people on the internet, the virtual world! Urban Americans lead the charge when it comes to hate speech online, and there is no point fighting physical racism, when hate is harbored online by and against black people!
If you disagree, then I'm calling you out to a scholastic debate. The winner who can beat me with a factual opposing argument will be paid a Cash App award beginning at $100 and up. Are you up for the challenge?
#queenmaatgirltv #communityGuidelines #onlinehate #HateSpeech
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The Cult Of Black Supremacy: Black Privilege, Opportunity & Knee Jerk Murder. Justice for Ethan Liming! #thecultofblacksupremacy #ethanliming #racism #blackbigotry #antiwhitehate #stopewhitehate #maga... View More
The Cult of Black Supremacy Black Privilege, Opportunity & Knee Jerk Murder Justice for Ethan Liming
Join us on the front lines of black central command in the ongoing information war! The cult of black supremacy is alive, and well. It has been said that black youth need to be given opportunity, and privilege to mold them into model citizens, and to counter the "evil white supremacy." Reality however, paints a different picture!
#QueenMaatGilTv #JusticeForEthanLiming #blacksupremacy
Akron Crime Statistics by Race: https://sullivan-county.com/racism/akron.htm
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