

Lucretia Hughes
Archelle Branch
My podcast is now available on Spotify. I Said It with yours truly. Over the crap, it's #americafirst all the way. Enjoy the episode. #freedom #trumpwon #constitution #stopthespending Follow the link ... View More
Archelle Branch
Kari won, Katie is a cheater and needs to be put behind bars. BRAZIL BRAZIL BRAZIL is our future. ????. #kariwon #trumpwon. Use the constitution, forgo civility and take back the state. We need leader... View More
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Tania Z
EVEN CHUCKY said Trump Won... #Trumpwon
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Bernadette Caro Ducasse
and  like this.
711 Total views
Erika Blas
Yes he did!!!!??❤??
Like June 23, 2022
Jerry kruger
i 2nd that
Like June 24, 2022
Samuel Saldana
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Ray Malave
Day 50 of the illegitimate Biden administration. Unity and bipartisanship was touted as the bedrock of this administration. The only thing that both Dems and Republicans are in agreement of is this: B... View More
Ray Malave
So why is Joe blocking the comment feature on his you tube channel? Is it because he can’t handle people telling him how they really feel about him? ??#TrumpWon
Ray Malave
There is not one politician on either side of the isle that can stand up to China and Russia. I am confident to say that both China and Russia will bitch slap the Biden administration. They respected ... View More
Adri c
How people in Texas will spend the next four years ?? #loveinit #midlandtexas #trumpwon #election #stillyourpresident
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