

Erika Blas
#CALIFORNIA: #Satanic statues of Doja Cat are appearing all over heavily populated tourist areas... Vandalism should be a thing in this case. https://t.me/NO_TRANSHUMANUSMO/37726
Alicia Curry
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Clifton Hodges
WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER FULL MOVIE The #plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did #Covid really spread, and did the #Satanic elite... View More
Clifton Hodges
Here's something that's not well known to many Western-World "Bible Believers", a video of Vladimir #Putin quoting the #Bible (John 15:13) at a rally in celebration of the return of #Crimea to the #Ru... View More
GOOD MORNING FRIENDS! Let's start with some phenomenal news if you haven't heard. ?? CELEBRATE! #news #politics #Rothschild #satanic https://twitter.com/HSRetoucher/status/1320524154198577153?s=20
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