

Erika Blas
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Bernadette Caro Ducasse
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David Soto
L.A., San Diego school districts are sued over student COVID vaccine mandate #Resist https://t.me/Join_David_Soto_Telegram_Channel/1352
La Verdad Es La Verdad
Tri Com
??????????????? #RESIST #Strikeforfreedom #Strike #FightBack #DoNotComply JOE BIDEN "MANDATING" Vaccination Requirements under FEDERAL LAW ANNOUNCED TODAY! Biden has issued this requirement for ALL F... View More
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Tri Com
Excellent breakdown by the professor that everyone in this county should watch regardless of party. Have to know how you're being enslaved if you're going to stop the chains from locking you down for ... View More
Tri Com
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Tri Com
Tri Com
Tri Com
?? I never started playing & I’m not about to start now. #Resist
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