

Erika Blas
God bless the big heart & kindness of #Canada's #FirstNation. Imho, they shouldn't have welcomed the leader of the church that tortured, abused, raped & killed their children. What fool gave the #anti... View More
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The Black Jester
The Black Jester
Golok Z Buday
When people are this supportive of child fucking, I think it's reasonable to get a surveillance warrant against them. This is evidence enough. #pedos #paedophile #pedophile https://www.zerohedge.com/... View More
Golok Z Buday
Golok Z Buday
Golok Z Buday
Canadian Citizens, Sign this Petition To Have Convicted Predators Put In Jail Forever, Including Burial: https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petitioner/PetitionDetails?Petition=e-3470 Based On This: ... View More
Equal Justice for ALL
#SupportUSMarshalls They have a high record for tracking and arresting #Pedos !!
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