The Bitchute Version of the video where I state that we need to boycott Facebook due to the political censorship against Patriots. #FascistBook #FacebookCensorship #Bitchute #PoliticalCensorship
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Lol dont tell lies.
#FacebookFactCheckersLie #FacebookCensorship
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Why Did #Facebook Delete the #PrayforOurPresident' Group? Interview with Donna Partow | #ChristianActivities https://www.christianactivities.com/why-did-facebook-delete-the-pray-for-our-president-grou... View More
Why Did Facebook Delete the 'Pray for Our President' Group? Interview with Donna Partow | Christian Activities
Interview with Donna Partow: "Pray for Our President" Founder Donna Partow speaks out on the deletion of the popular group by Facebook one month before
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Popular #PrayforOurPresident #Facebook Group Deleted from Facebook | #ChristianActivities https://www.christianactivities.com/popular-group-pray-for-our-president-deleted-from-facebook/ #Facebook #Fac... View More
Popular 'Pray for Our President' Facebook Group Deleted from Facebook | Christian Activities
"Pray for Our President" Facebook Group Deleted In October, Facebook members of the popular "Pray for Our President" group led by author and speaker Donna
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