Jackass Joe said he'd "follow the science."
The CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, said it was safe to re-open our schools.
Tacky Psaki says, "That's not policy."... View More
Biden at odds with CDC director over teachers after promising to follow science
President Biden is in conflict with a top public health official after campaigning on a promise to "follow the science."
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Death by Democrats:
Will New Yorkers Let Killer Cuomo Get Away With Killing Grandmas Just Because He’s A Democrat?
http://bit.ly/3jcjDTR #COVIDChaos #ButcherOfNewYork #NegligentHomicide
Will New Yorkers Excuse Cuomo For Deaths Because He's A Democrat?
The legacy media keeps letting Andrew Cuomo off the hook for his arrogant refusal to be held responsible for thousands of unnecessary deaths.
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Communist Chicago Teachers Refuse To Do Job Despite CDC Saying It's Safe
http://bit.ly/3ro2FVr #Marxism #COVIDChaos
Chicago: Incompetent Democratic Mayor Lightweight Blames TRUMP For Teacher Union S... View More
Chicago Teachers Refuse To Do Job Despite CDC Saying It's Safe
A teacher in Chicago said that she is refusing to work because of the dangers despite the CDC saying that it is safe.
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Panic porn has taken over even the medical community that should know better.
http://bit.ly/36pSis0 #COVIDChaos #FearPimps
If one mask is useless, are FOUR four-times as useless?
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Canada Joins New Zealand in Shutting Down Virtually All Air Travel Indefinitely To and From Their Countries
http://bit.ly/3pEyt86 #COVIDChaos
Canada Joins New Zealand in Shutting Down Virtually All Air Travel Indefinitely To and From Their Countries
If you were working for your country you wouldn’t do this. The COVID crisis continues. Just when you thought the coronavirus insanity was winding down, suddenly another strain of the virus reporte
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Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm"
During the second week in January, 23 people tested positive for the flu in the United States.
More than 14,657 tested positive for the flu during the same t... View More
A Miracle! Only 23 Americans Tested Positive for Flu Last Week Compared to 14,657 Cases Reported Last Year at Same Time
Do you ever get the feeling you’re being lied to? 450,390 people have now died WITH the coronavirus in the US this year. That number includes poisonings, shootings, homicides and hospice deaths. The
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LA County puts new restriction on restaurants ahead of Super Bowl: TVs must be turned off
'It will be tragic if the Super Bowl becomes the Super Spreader of coronavirus'
... View More
LA County puts new restriction on restaurants ahead of Super Bowl: TVs must be turned off
'It will be tragic if the Super Bowl becomes the Super Spreader of coronavirus'
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Death by Democrat:
The Butcher of New York blames Trump administration, 'political football' for HIS deadly COVID nursing home strategy.
http://bit.ly/39w3TI1 #COVIDClown #COVIDChaos #NegligentHomic... View More
WATCH: Cuomo blames Trump administration, 'political football' for his deadly COVID nursing home strategy
"The State Department of Health followed federal guidance, so if you think there was a mistake then go talk to the federal government," Cuomo said.
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Democrats' Lockdowns Have Killed 4 Times More Jobs Than 'Great Recession' They Blamed on Bush
http://bit.ly/2M7HhF3 #Fascism #COVIDClowns #COVIDChaos
#Tyranny or #Liberty - Pick one. #WakeUpAmerica!
Report: Lockdowns Have Cost the World 4 Times as Many Jobs as '09 Recession
Four times as many jobs were lost last year due to coronavirus lockdowns as during the worst part of the global financial crisis in 2009.
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After 440,000 Americans are Dead – and Donald Trump is no longer President - Facebook & American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong — These People Should be Prosecuted!
http://bit... View More
After 440,000 Americans are Dead - Facebook and American Journal of Medicine Admit Their Stand on HCQ was Wrong -- These People Should be Prosecuted!
Back in August 2020 we wrote this on treating the coronavirus– The liberal mainstream media can’t hide this truth from the American public forever. The latest international testing of hydroxychlor
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