

Altagracia Vasquez
"I see a lot of people talking smack about @goyafoods and they don’t even understand what happened. This is one the of the most successful Hispanic American companies ever that also donates to childre... View More
Patriot Mike
#BuyGoya because AOC does not want you to #BuyGoya
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Like July 10, 2020
Like July 10, 2020
Noemi Rodriguez
?#BuyGoya #BoycottAOC her mission to hurt a Hispanic company and its employees livelihoods like she did with Amazon. #WWG1WGA #DIGITALSOLDIERS #Trump2020 #BackToWork #BackToSchool #MAGA2020 ?
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Luis Dagnesses
They doing that because they dont know what to do next to destroy Trump and thats the truth , wake up America.
Like July 10, 2020 Edited
Garrett and Gloria Reed
I saw the press conference yesterday and the grandson of the founder of Goya is donating over a million dollars of gondules and arroz and other products to shelters to help feed people out of work and he is 100% for President Trump! He even had a thank you statement from the employees of Goya
Like July 10, 2020 Edited
Luis Dagnesses
My friend God don like ugly we will have Trump again in the white house second term is coming TRUMP 2020
Like July 10, 2020
I'm not latino but I can whip up some delicious meals with the help of Goya spices! AOC is a loser
Like July 10, 2020
Noemi Rodriguez
Keep #BuyGOYA on TWITTER and all Social Media going! Great job, Patriots !!
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Noemi Rodriguez
?#BuyGOYA Terrific Hispanic products, committed to education and USA food pantries!!! Now AOC is boycotting this “Hispanic” company and people livelihoods!!! Shame on her!! AOC needs to go!!! #WWG1WGA... View More
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Kathryn Morse
I'm actually surprised by this because you'd think the Democrats would want to cater and manipulate the Hispanic population to gain votes. I'm not sure where this is coming from. And Goya is an amazing product. SMH on this one.
Like July 10, 2020 Edited
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