John Burke
Congressman Exposes What Audit of Clinton Emails REALLY FOUND … LOCK HER UP - https://thebeltwayreport.com/2022/08/congressman-exposes-what-audit-of-clinton-emails-really-found-lock-her-up/
Congressman Exposes What Audit of Clinton Emails REALLY FOUND … LOCK HER UP
This article is based on revelations from a 2018 report by Louis Geometr and serves as a reminder about what happened to classified documents that were on Hillary’s illegal server. The reason I brin
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If you didn't do anything wrong, why would you spend millions of dollars to obstruct and fight against a legal audit/investigation authorized by the the court? If you have nothing to hide you should w... View More
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#Michigan Secretary of State #JocelynBenson said a post-election #Audit is planned in #WayneCounty and other areas, saying that it is standard procedure for jurisdictions that have significant errors ... View More
Michigan Secretary of State Announces Post-Election Audit in Wayne County
Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson on Thursday said a post-election audit is planned in Wayne County and ...
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“They went back and audited and realized, ‘we forgot to upload one memory card from one precinct.'”
A 4th county in #Georgia discovered a memory card with uncounted #Votes during a hand #Audit, offic... View More
4th Georgia County Finds Memory Card With Uncounted Votes, Most for Biden
A fourth county in Georgia discovered a memory card with uncounted votes during a hand audit, officials said late Wednesday.
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“I don’t think there’s enough confidence to have a healthy election in the future.”
#Arizona state Rep. #KellyTownsend said there should “absolutely” be an #Audit and an accurate #Recount as soon as ... View More
Arizona State Rep Calls for Audit and Recount of Vote
PHOENIX—Arizona state Rep. Kelly Townsend said there should "absolutely" be an audit and an accurate recount as soon ...
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A #Michigan judge denied a request to block the certification of the #Election and to order an #Audit of the #ElectionResults in a lawsuit that alleged instances of #VoterFraud. https://t.co/1b5NHYq9i... View More
Michigan Judge Denies Request for Audit in Election Fraud Lawsuit
A Michigan judge on Friday has denied a request to block the certification of the election and to order an audit of the results in a lawsuit that alleged instances of voter fraud.
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