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Wilfredo Gonzalez
A time is coming when the men of the Church will need to be warlike. Many would say it is already upon us, but that we are blind to it in our sin of tolerance. We, the men of the Church, need to be ... View More
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Bonaventure Zombie
Anyone seen Knightfall?
Wilfredo Gonzalez
I havent where do you find it?
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Bonaventure Zombie
Anyone seen Knightfall?
Like September 10, 2020
Wilfredo Gonzalez
I havent where do you find it?
Like October 3, 2020
Wilfredo Gonzalez
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Catolicos Unica iglesia de Cristo Jesus (Change my Mind)
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Catolicos Unica iglesia de Cristo Jesus (Change my Mind)
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Wilfredo Gonzalez
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Wilfredo Gonzalez
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Wilfredo Gonzalez
a tu biblia protestante le quitaron SABIDURIA
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Donde haz recibido esta información...?
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Wilfredo Gonzalez
Wilfredo Gonzalez
Wilfredo Gonzalez
(San Juan 6:50-68) 50 Este es el pan que desciende del cielo, para que el que de él come, no muera. 51 Yo soy el pan vivo que descendió del cielo; si alguno comiere de este pan, vivirá para siempre; ... View More
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