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Scott Ames

Scott Ames

Male. Lives in Coppell, Texas, United States. 56 years old. Is widowed.
About Me
TRUE American/Texan by the grace of God! I'll do me and you do you and we'll get along just fine! Da... View More
Verification Comments
Scott Ames
Can someone explain to me how people who are unemployed, businesses are gone/closed and state is STILL not open thanx to Tyrant King Assbott, are suppose to pay money back while struggling to survive?... View More
Scott Ames
This shows the complete stupidity of idiots in Dallas! City council CANCELLED the fair mths ago and yet you fuktards drive to the grounds and PAY just to eat "fairfood" out of a drivethru?? (Nothing w... View More
Scott Ames
Just like Fuktard book is doing to our country RIGHT now! Inciting violence and unrest for THEIR political gains!
Scott Ames
Absolutly astonishing that the LEFT wi falsely blame Trump for EVERYTHING they have been doing for months now because these agencies WONT bow down to their wants of closing the entire country and forc... View More
Scott Ames
Fuck the CDC and their continuos lies! Next they will tell everyone they CANT get together for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years!!
Scott Ames
About damn time GOP here in TX starts standing up to this prik!!
Scott Ames
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