by on October 22, 2020
Why I Am Voting ?       That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”...
412 views 22 likes
by on January 5, 2021
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident:          --That all men are created equal      ...
230 views 6 likes
by on October 13, 2020
There is a social annihilation occurring across communities throughout the United States, however, for the purposes of this series, I will only be focusing on the social disintegration in the black community and the perils of losing vital systems that establish and ground us as a people. When measuring the changes to the social structure of the black community, I am specifically examining these changes based upon alterations to religious belief systems (practicing of faith); negative influences ...
194 views 4 likes
by on April 3, 2023
The Patriot Brotherhood News Gazette Briefs-72  The People's Revolution ...
165 views 1 like
by on December 29, 2020
La medicina natural, cada dia se ve mas la diferencia entre la medicina farmaceutica sintetica y la medicina herbaria o natural, mientras las farmaceuticas envestigan para dar productos que no curan y son tóxicos la medicina natural nos ofrece una curación sin intoxicarnos 
334 views 5 likes
by on April 22, 2022
The Patriot Brotherhood News Gazette Briefs-34  The People's Revolution ...
173 views 1 like
by on January 25, 2022
The Patriot Brotherhood News Gazette Briefs-19  The People's Revolution ...
131 views 1 like
by on December 15, 2021
The Patriot Brotherhood News Update The People's Revolution ...
244 views 0 likes
by on May 31, 2022
Nueva demostración de que los militares norteamericanos no van a permitir que se lance otra psicosis de pandemia, en este caso, de viruela del mono. Real Raw News nos habla de un asunto que ha sucedido hace poco más de una semana, cuando se estaba lanzando, en España y Reino Unido los primeros pasos de esta nueva paranoia. En concreto, según informaciones de esta web procedente de filtraciones militares, el pasado día 16 de mayo un virólogo que trabajaba en los CDC desde hacía 17 años y sus d...
128 views 1 like
by on March 13, 2022
The Patriot Brotherhood News Gazette Briefs-26  The People's Revolution ...
134 views 0 likes
by on May 21, 2022
Nesara-Gesara Explained   NESARA GESARA Global Reset Simply Explained - freedom, light, nwo, who, new world order, cabal, cabal deep state, deep state, Illuminati, cult, secret society, who runs the world, run the world, world leader, Donald Trump, cabal vs Donald Trump, fall of the cabal, fall of the deep state, fall of Illuminati, Illuminati truth, Illuminati cult deep state scam, cabal scam, Rothschild, Rothschild family, Rockefeller, Rockefeller family, globalist, agenda 21, agenda 30,...
129 views 1 like
by on November 10, 2021
The Patriot Brotherhood News Gazette Briefs-08  The People's Revolution ...
159 views 0 likes